Yes, so it's been a couple of weeks since I wrote last. That doesn't matter though, does it? Nothing special has really happened so nothing to report to you.
I've been in contact with HP about my computer for a while now, they send me a new hard drive because it turned out that my old had crashed. The hard drive worked after 30min trying to screw it in place.. those screws are nothing to play with, and if you lose one you're screwed! Haha. But the media file's that I needed to reboot my computer with wasn't compatible with my Swedish hard ware to I had to send it in for service.
After 2 weeks in service HP finally offered me a replacement computer, my guess is that my computer was a lost call. So here I am, with a better, new and improved version of my old one.
Funny thing though is that during these weeks that my computer's been away I've been saying that I don't really need a computer anyway, that I manage just fine without it. But I've already started to call this one my baby, how wierd is that?!
Anyway, easter's this weekend and I'm off. Probably going into the city tomorrow and then from there to my family in Yonkers. Pretty sure there won't be any more updates from me before then, so I'll wish everyone who's reading this a Happy Easter now :)
Nothing really special happened? Autsch..that hurt my feelings!
SvaraRaderaYour (no longer) German friend :p