söndag 18 maj 2014

Hear me roar

So.. the time for me to head back to Sweden is getting closer, not quite there yet but close enough. And everyone's asking me what I'm going to do when I get back. 'Study' has always been my answer cause that's always been the idea with this 2 year long trip, to get away to think and come back with the answers of what to do next with my life. I'm still stuck on that question. What am I going to do when I come home again?

I've applied for colleges/universitys because that seems like the next step for me, to continue my education and to get a job after that. I'm not sure if that's the step for me though. I want to volunteer in South America, I want to learn spanish and italian, live in Italy for a few months, travel around in USA to those places I still haven't seen and so much more. BUT to do all these things I need money and to get money I need a job and to get a job I need an education so here I am, by a stopping sign infront of a intersection deciding on what way to take.
           I can see myself going back to Sweden though, and actually stay there. Get a husband, kids, house and all of those things and I would probably be happy. The question is however: how happy would I be?
This is one of the reasons why I'm not really looking forward to going back, I don't know what way to turn. Still I know that it doesn't really matter cause one way or another I'll end up here again, at this stop sign, trying to decide what to do.

On a different note I can't wait to come back to all my friends and my family. Hug everyone again and try to mix together the old me with the new. Even though I have to say goodbye to friends and families here which I'm already dreading, it won't be pleasant. Luckily that day is not too close, I'm not quite ready to leave just yet ;)

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